Dreams of Books

Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard

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Popular In Battlefield Earth

laminated molecular plating
laminated molecular plating
molecular metal cutter
yarb tea

Popular Quotes And Their Visualizations

Genres Featured In Battlefield Earth

Science Fiction (Dominant)
Action (Major)
Adventure (Prominent)
Dystopian (Major)
Fantasy (Notable)

Themes Featured In Battlefield Earth

Survival (Major)
Oppression and Freedom (Significant)
Courage and Heroism (Significant)
Rebellion (Moderate)

Tones In Battlefield Earth

Adventurous (Strong)
Dystopian (Very Strong)
Heroic (Moderate)
Desperate (Strong)
Cynical (Noticable)
Determined (Moderate)
Sombre (Mild)
Hopeful (Noticable)
Tense (Strong)
Triumphant (Moderate)

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