Dreams of Books

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson


Popular In The Devil in the White City

Daniel H. Burnham
Frederick Law Olmsted
Herman Webster Mudgett (H.H. Holmes)

Popular Quotes And Their Visualizations

Genres Featured In The Devil in the White City

True Crime (Prominent)
Biography (Notable)
Mystery (Sub-Genre)
Non-Fiction (Dominant)

Themes Featured In The Devil in the White City

Good vs. Evil (Major)
Ambition (Significant)
Deception (Moderate)
Power and Corruption (Noticable)
The American Dream (Moderate)
Murder and Morality (Significant)

Tones In The Devil in the White City

Morbid (Strong)
Suspenseful (Moderate)
Historical (Noticable)
Dark (Moderate)
Intriguing (Strong)
Nostalgic (Mild)
Cautionary (Noticable)
Eerie (Moderate)
Tense (Very Strong)
Reflective (Mild)

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