Dreams of Books

Watchmen by Alan Moore


Popular In Watchmen

Doctor Manhattan (Jon Osterman)
Hollis Mason (Nite Owl I)
New York City
Nite Owl II (Dan Dreiberg)
Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt)
Rorschach (Walter Kovacs)
Rorschach’s Apartment
Rorschach’s Mask
Silk Spectre II (Laurie Juspeczyk)
The Comedian’s Apartment
The Minutemen
The Smiley Face Badge

Popular Quotes And Their Visualizations

Genres Featured In Watchmen

Superhero (Major)
Mystery (Prominent)
Science Fiction (Notable)
Dystopian (Dominant)
Historical Fiction (Sub-Genre)
Philosophical (Major)

Themes Featured In Watchmen

Tones In Watchmen

Cynicism (Very Strong)
Nostalgia (Moderate)
Dystopian (Strong)
Dark Humor (Noticable)
Paranoia (Strong)
Tragedy (Very Strong)
Heroism (Mild)
Morality (Moderate)
Isolation (Strong)
Violence (Very Strong)

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