Dreams of Books

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

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Popular In The Sound and the Fury

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Genres Featured In The Sound and the Fury

Southern Gothic (Major)
Psychological Fiction (Prominent)
Tragedy (Major)
Historical Fiction (Notable)

Themes Featured In The Sound and the Fury

Time and Memory (Central)
Mental Illness (Moderate)
Loss and Grief (Major)
Isolation and Alienation (Significant)
Race and Class (Significant)

Tones In The Sound and the Fury

Melancholy (Very Strong)
Nostalgic (Moderate)
Fragmented (Strong)
Anguished (Dominant)
Resigned (Noticable)
Conflicted (Strong)
Despairing (Very Strong)
Chaotic (Strong)
Tragic (Very Strong)
Bitter (Moderate)

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