Dreams of Books

The Shining by Stephen King


Popular In The Shining

Danny Torrance
Danny’s Tricycle
Delbert Grady
Dick Hallorann
Jack Torrance
Room 217
The Axe
The Boiler
The Boiler Room
The Colorado Lounge
The Hedge Maze
The Overlook Hotel
The Overlook’s Ghosts
The Scrapbook
The Typewriter
Wendy Torrance

Popular Quotes And Their Visualizations

Genres Featured In The Shining

Horror (Primary)
Mystery (Prominent)
Suspense (Dominant)

Themes Featured In The Shining

Isolation (Major)
Madness (Central)
Family Dysfunction (Significant)
The Supernatural (Moderate)
Alcoholism (Significant)
Trauma and Abuse (Moderate)
Fear and Terror (Major)

Tones In The Shining

Ominous (Very Strong)
Foreboding (Strong)
Isolation (Moderate)
Tension (Strong)
Creepy (Very Strong)
Dread (Dominant)
Paranoia (Strong)
Melancholy (Noticable)
Violent (Moderate)
Nostalgic (Mild)

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