Dreams of Books
Hidden Empire
Ildirans Quotes
Ildirans Quotes
: a
Alien Race
Hidden Empire
Since he was a member of the warrior kith, Bron’n’s features were more bestial than those of other Ildirans. His hands sported claws, his mouth showed long, sharp teeth, and his large eyes could detect any movement,
They launched a full spread of kinetic missiles that impacted in flashes of fire against the diamond hull, leaving only slight discolorations. Then Aro’nh shot his banks of high-energy cutting beams, spears of orange fire that scorched tracks along the crystalline hull. One warliner pushed forward for a closer strike. In response, blue lightning bolts crackled from the spikes on the two alien warglobes. With a jagged blast of pure energy, the deep-core aliens completely vaporized the nearest warliner. The other battleships reeled.
pairs of lovers whose passion sparked a glow bright enough to be noticed in the noise of billions of Ildiran souls.