Dreams of Books

The Risen Empire by Scott Westerfeld

Tags: sci fi
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Popular In The Risen Empire

Lazarus symbiant
Master Pilot Jocim Marx
Rix Commando
The Risen Emperor
bolt missile
chaotic gravity beam
flechette autocannon
flechette cluster bomb
hypercarbon bones
magnetic rail-launched uranium slug
monofilament knife
particle beam
structure-penetrating exsanguination slug
structured smartalloy slug

Popular Quotes And Their Visualizations

Genres Featured In The Risen Empire

Science Fiction (Major)
Fantasy (Notable)
Adventure (Prominent)
Political Thriller (Prominent)

Themes Featured In The Risen Empire

Tones In The Risen Empire

Dark (Strong)
Suspenseful (Moderate)
Dramatic (Very Strong)
Tense (Strong)
Epic (Very Strong)
Mysterious (Noticable)
Tragic (Moderate)
Hopeful (Mild)

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